
To strengthen school community, each family at Ridgeline has committed to donating 40 hours of volunteer time. Ridgeline Montessori is an amazing community of committed and caring families. We rely on family involvement to organize, facilitate, and participate in a wide variety of activities. Not only does volunteering enrich the educational environment for our students, it also brings us together as a community. Welcome to Ridgeline and the volunteer community!

What's required?

All volunteers are required to view the Ridgeline Volunteer Code of Conduct and complete the form linked in the presentation.


Volunteers who have supervised contact with students: Bright Green Badge

Ridgeline Montessori requires criminal background checks for any volunteers (including parents) who:

Background checks are taking a longer time than usual to process so please turn in your forms right away!


Visitors: Pink Badge

Folks can visit Ridgeline without a background check if they are:


Volunteers who have direct, unsupervised contact with students: Dark Green Badge

Ridgeline Montessori requires criminal background checks and Sexual Misconduct Training: Staff to Student for any volunteers (including parents) who:

Background checks are taking a longer time than usual to process so please turn in your forms right away!

Please be familiar with the following:

How can I help?

The possibilities are endless! Here is a sampling of the HUGE list of activities our families help out with:

How do I find out about volunteer opportunities?

Why do I need to sign in and record my hours? How do I do it?

Whenever parents or other family members put in volunteer time at Ridgeline, we want to know about it! This is vital information, especially when we are applying for grants. The greater the participation and support for our school that we can document, the greater chance we have of receiving generous grants. Even when you reach your 40-hour goal, please continue to record your hours. Some years our families log more than 10,000 hours.

Please log your volunteer hours on Track It Forward.

To volunteer with students or at school during school hours, you need to have an approved background check. Forms are available in the office. Once you are cleared, you will receive a green name tag. Keep this in the volunteer-name-tag binder, and wear it whenever you volunteer. If you do not have your name tag, you will need to be escorted throughout the building.

Thank you for joining our community of volunteers! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We look forward to working with you!

If you are planning to drive for a Ridgeline event, you will need to give the office the following:

And read the Chaperone Guidelines